

  1. 答:Protect the environment
    Nowadays,the environment in China is getting worse and worse.The water is polluted,and air pollution and e a very serious problem.Many people even wear masks when they go outside.
    How can we help save the environment?We can reduce air pollution by riding bikes,taking public transport instead of cars.We can also save energy by closing the lights when you leave the room,and reusing water.
    If we all do our parts,our country will be a much better place!
  1. 答:would like to thank my parents
    i would like to thank my parents deeply.
    My parents brought me up with much hard work and they didn't want to get sth back. They take care of me every day and make me happy as much as possible.
    one day, i was angry with my father for not taking me out on weekends. In the night I was sleeping when there was a loud thunderstorm. I woke up and heard what my parents were talking about. My father was ill for several months and they kept it a secret from me. He didn't do so because of his stomachache. How regretful I was! I didn't think about their feelings . I made up my mind to treat my parents well.
    From that moment on ,I decided to study hard and they wouldn't worry about me any more. That was the only thing I could do .
  1. 答:环境英文作文吗倒挺多的,就是不知道你看的懂不?
